Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Grandma's Fridge


Inside the fridge, she saw a lot of things that didn’t seem normal. Didn’t seem like things that a Grandmother would have to eat and drink but that was because it was my Grandma’s fridge. It always smelled like something was off, but I overlooked that problem because it always produced things in which I was interested. My Grandma died when I was thirteen so I remember her well. Grandpa died eight years before so my memories are more vague, but I remember he always sais things like “Be careful of that fridge, something strange lives in there and it eats little kids!”. I didn’t really believe him, but I still never went to the fridge myself. I would push my sister in front of me and tell her to get an individual tetra pak of juice for me. That was one of the things I really liked, especially on a hot day; Mum never let us have those individual juices with the bendy straws. The carton was always icy cold and we had a choice of flavours. There were yummy, smooth, choc wedge ice-creams in the freezer too. When it was time to go home the fridge always produced a small packet of mixed lollies for each of us, packets of fund raiser lamingtons and an extra drink to go. Mum used to hate it – we always had to stop for a toilet on the way home. I miss Grandma and her fridge.

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